sadiplod - everything about berries and their cultivation

Such different cranberries - description of varieties

Photo of the best varieties of cranberries

The description of cranberry varieties will help you decide on the choice of plant in accordance with its individual characteristics.

Cranberry is an evergreen shrub with long creeping shoots and small green leaves. Cranberries begin to bloom in early summer and are accompanied by small red-pink flowers. The fruits ripen in late summer - early autumn. The berries range in color from light red to dark brown. There are more than 200 varieties of cranberries with varying degrees of yield and sensitivity to weather conditions.

There are 4 types of cranberries:

  • Common cranberry. A low shrub up to 30 cm with spherical dark red berries.
  • Large-fruited cranberry. May have vertical or creeping shoots. The species is characterized by large berries - up to 25 mm and low frost resistance.
  • Swamp cranberry. Creeping shrub with small spherical fruits. Has good frost resistance.
  • Small-fruited cranberries. A low shrub that grows mainly in peat bogs. The fruits of the plant are small, not exceeding 8 mm.

Large-fruited cranberry varieties are most widely used for cultivation. Among them are: Ben Lin, Early Black, Pilgrim, Stevens, Hoves. The most notable variety is Pilgrim, which is distinguished by its especially large fruits - up to 24 mm and high yield - 3 kg per bush. Large-fruited varieties are grown in large quantities in America, where they originate. Large-fruited varieties do well in warm climates with moderate winters.

Swamp cranberries are characterized by increased frost resistance and good yield. Swamp cranberry grows well in cold winter conditions. The swamp cranberry variety Severyanka has large berries up to 18 mm and high yield.

Cranberry medicinal properties and contraindications

The medicinal properties and contraindications of cranberries need to be known to those who grow this amazing berry on their property. It is not as popular as currants or raspberries, but it is still a very valuable product.

The vitamins and microelements contained in the berry can strengthen the immune system and fight many diseases even without the use of medications.

Cranberries are rich in vitamins C, K, PP, B vitamins and others. Contains valuable organic acids and fiber. Berries contain antioxidants and beneficial microelements.

The use of berries in cooking is extensive and includes not only jam and fruit drinks, but also canning, adding to meat dishes and preparing alcoholic beverages.

Cranberries are useful for colds, high blood pressure, and to normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Cranberry strengthens blood vessels, regulates metabolism and prevents varicose veins.

Regular consumption of cranberries will relieve problems with the genitourinary system, eliminate dysbacteriosis and improve the condition of the liver and pancreas. Berries and decoctions from the leaves are used for various skin diseases. Regular consumption of cranberries will help prevent cancer.

Cranberries are a dietary product, therefore they are recommended for use for weight loss, for baby food and for pregnant women. Like any product, cranberries have contraindications. People with high stomach acidity or peptic ulcers should avoid eating cranberries. In case of chronic diseases of the liver and pancreas in the acute stage, consuming cranberries can be harmful. Cranberries are contraindicated for allergic reactions and individual intolerance.

Stevens cranberries

Stevens cranberries are one of the best American varieties. Has good winter hardiness. Ripening occurs in early October. The fruits are large - up to 2 g and are well preserved. The berries are round-oval in shape and dark red in color. The taste of the berries is high. The seedlings take root easily and within a year the shoots grow up to 150 cm. Active fruiting begins at the age of 4. The variety has average yield, but good disease resistance.

It is best to plant the Stevens variety in beds, maintaining a distance between plantings of up to 20 cm. The main condition for growing cranberries is high acidity of the soil, which can be achieved with a special peat mixture. For good pollination of cranberries, you can plant several varieties or honey-bearing flowers to attract bees.

Cranberries are unpretentious, but you definitely need to weed the plant and water it regularly. Cranberries respond well to fertilizing, especially in the first years after planting. You also need to do infrequent pruning and treat the plant for diseases.

Berries need to be picked before frost to increase their preservation properties. The fruits have a dense skin and tolerate transportation well.

It is best to purchase cranberry seedlings from a nursery. Such plants will take root better on the site and will have increased resistance to disease.

Cranberry - beneficial properties for diabetes

The beneficial properties of cranberries for diabetes make it possible to prevent the disease and overcome it in the early stages. Due to the content of simple sugars, which includes fructose, diabetics can safely include cranberries in their diet. Insulin is produced only for glucose, and it is not needed for fructose.

Cranberries contain many substances that help lower insulin levels in the blood. One of them is chrome. Also, cranberry fights not only the disease itself, but also its consequences. It is indicated for the prevention of cataracts, glaucoma, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

If the disease diabetes mellitus is already recorded in the anamnesis, then treating it with cranberries alone is pointless. To prescribe drug therapy, a visit and regular monitoring by a doctor is necessary.

Decorative cranberries - cultivation

Cranberries can often be found in summer cottages as a decorative plant. Cranberry is a small creeping evergreen shrub. The small green leaves are oval in shape and do not exceed 15 cm in length. Cranberries begin to bloom in May-June with pink or light purple flowers. At the end of summer, reddish berries appear, the average diameter of which is 15 mm.

Ornamental cultivation of cranberries allows you to diversify the landscape and create a variety of flower or shrub compositions.

For landscaping a plot with cranberries, it is best to choose large-fruited creeping varieties. These are American varieties of cranberries with large fruits. These varieties do not tolerate cold winters well, so it is recommended to plant them in warm climates. Large-fruited cranberries quickly begin to grow, and the shoots quickly form a thick green carpet.

In areas with harsh winters, it is best to use swamp cranberry varieties for landscaping.

Cranberries look good in flower pots, small flower beds and on an alpine hill.

If there is a pond on the site, cranberries can serve as an excellent decoration for landscaping the banks of a small pond.

To grow cranberries for decorative purposes, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for them. The soil pH should be between 3.5 and 5.5. The cranberry root system goes only 20 cm deep, so the close occurrence of groundwater will provide additional moisture. Cranberries need plenty of watering. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, but it should not be turned into a swamp either. The soil must be constantly kept moist. Loosening and weed control are especially important for young, immature plants. From the age of 3 you can mulch with peat or sand with a layer of about 2 cm.

Fertilizers are applied during watering, and in the autumn the plant is treated against pests and diseases.

For decorative cranberries, pruning is an essential condition for care. With its help you can give the desired shape. To do this, pruning is carried out in the first years of the plant’s life. Cranberries are best pruned in the spring, shortening the top branches to encourage trailing branches. If you trim the side branches, the result will be a taller, compact shrub.

Well-groomed cranberry bushes, with proper care, can give a noble look to any garden.