sadiplod - everything about berries and their cultivation

Simple recommendations for those who grow food in the south

Photo of growing eshta in the south

To grow eshta in the south, it is necessary to comply with the conditions for planting and caring for the shrub.

Many people grow currants or gooseberries on their plot, which belong to the same species. It is not surprising that several decades ago the idea of ??creating a hybrid of these plants arose. For a long time, the idea remained unrealized: the resulting plants did not produce the desired yield. In 1970, the German breeder Bauer received the first hybrid with good yield.

The berries of eshta (also called yoshta) are larger than those of currants, and the bush is devoid of thorns characteristic of gooseberries. The perennial shrub eshta is powerful, spreading with shoots up to one and a half meters.

The plant has good frost resistance and resistance to common diseases of currants and gooseberries. But the shrub shows itself best in the southern regions.

To grow eshta in the south, choose an open, sunny place with loose, fertile soil. It is best to plant the plant in the fall so that in the spring it has enough strength to grow well. If planting is carried out in the spring, then there is a high probability that the plant will be lethargic and will not take root well. The depth of the planting hole should be about 60 cm. When planting, the soil is fertilized with complex fertilizers. The plant is deepened into the hole, carefully straightening the roots, sprinkled with earth and watered.

Advice: Particular attention should be paid to potassium content in fertilizers, since shrubs often lack it.

Irrigation and mulching of the soil is of great importance for the southern regions. Lack of moisture affects the growth and development of the plant. The soil must be kept moist. When watering, the soil should be moistened to a depth of about 40 cm, which will completely nourish the root system. To do this, one plant should require up to 30 liters of water. It is best to water in the morning and evening, when the heat subsides. After watering, it is necessary to mulch the soil, which will create a favorable water regime. Mulching will help avoid frequent weeding and loosening.

Eshta, landing in the Moscow region

Planting eshta in the Moscow region is quite justified, since the berry feels great in this region. To compensate for the lack of heat, it is necessary to feed the plant in a timely manner. The shrub has a lifespan of about 25 years and is able to withstand cold temperatures down to -25°C, which is important when grown in temperate regions. It is often used as a hedge. In this case, it does not need pruning, since it hardly forms root shoots and can grow near a fence or buildings. Yeshta is often grown in central Russia; the shrub does not suffer from winter frosts.

Planting eshta for the Moscow region can be carried out both in spring and autumn. For planting, choose an open, windless place, well lit by the sun. The shrub loves fertile, well-drained soil. If the soil on the site is not fertile enough, you can apply organic and mineral fertilizers. The planting hole should have a depth of about 60 cm and a width of up to 40 cm. A distance of about 2 meters is maintained between rows, and up to one and a half meters between bushes.

The plant will need feeding for the first 3 years, so every year you need to add up to 6 kg of humus or compost. In autumn, complex fertilizers must be applied. Gradually, as the bush grows, the amount of mineral fertilizers increases.

After planting, the soil must be watered and mulched.

In autumn, after all the leaves have fallen, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning. At this time, all damaged and diseased shoots are removed. After harvesting in the autumn, you can fertilize the soil with wood ash.

Eshta, grown in Siberia

Growing eshta in Siberia gives positive results with proper care of the plant.

In cold climates, the plant often lacks sunlight and nutrition, so correct agricultural technology is an important condition for growing eshta in Siberia. The landing site should be well lit. In the shade, the plant will not grow well and this will affect the yield. The berries will become small and sour.

The soil chosen for growing is light and fertile with a high potassium content. The plant can also grow on infertile soil, since it is quite unpretentious, but fertilizing will have a good effect on the growth of the bush and its productivity. Fertilizers are used about three times per season.

It is necessary to regularly mulch the soil with humus, compost, peat or sawdust.

It is preferable to plant berries next to gooseberries or currants - as a result of mutual cross-pollination, the number of berries will increase in all crops.

In the Siberian climate, the bush will have to face cold winters. Yeshta will need to be prepared for frost, since the variety was created for the southern regions.

In autumn, after harvesting, the bushes are treated for diseases and pests. The soil is dug up and the old mulch is removed. The plant is fed with superphosphate and the soil surface is generously sprinkled with ash. Damaged branches are cut off, and the rest can be lightly tied with rope. To do this, all branches are fixed together to avoid strong winds. This will preserve a sufficient number of buds for next spring. As soon as the first precipitation has fallen, the base of the bush needs to be covered with snow about 15 cm thick.

Young plants need shelter most of all. You can use non-woven material, cardboard or straw for them.

Food, diseases and pests

Deseases and pests of eshta are rare, since the shrub has good resistance to them. For prevention, it is necessary to treat the above-ground parts with insecticides.
The most common diseases and pests:

  • Anthracnose. The leaves become covered with red spots. Then they darken and fall off. This is a fungal disease that appears during rainy summers.
  • Rust. Small orange dots appear on the leaves.
  • Powdery mildew. It appears as a white coating on currants.
  • Septoria. Dark spots appear on the leaves, which spread to the fruits. The disease often appears in poorly thinned shrubs.
  • Mosaic. The leaves become covered with a yellow coating along the main veins. The fungal disease cannot be cured, so the plant must be removed and burned.
  • Terryness. A viral disease that affects the entire bush. Manifests itself in the form of changes in the shape of leaves.
  • Pliers. Spider mites entangle leaves with cobwebs. They dry out and fall off. The bud mite parasitizes the young buds of the plant, thereby sharply reducing its yield.
  • Aphids. It settles on the stem and leaves, after which they curl and fall off.
  • Butterflies. Moth moths emerge from the soil if it has not been properly treated. They settle in buds and feed on fruits.
The main methods of combating diseases and pests are insecticides, fungicides and Bordeaux mixture.

Eshta - where to buy seedlings

Gardeners often ask the question – where to buy eshta seedlings? Since the culture is relatively new and not widespread enough, there is a risk of acquiring something else instead of it. When purchasing seedlings from market traders, you must remember that even an experienced gardener can sometimes make a mistake with the appearance of a young plant.

Carefully inspect the seedlings for damage, defects or disease. The plant must be strong and have a good root system. A dry, limp seedling indicates that the plant is not healthy or the conditions for its growth were not met.

It is best to purchase seedlings from a nursery to be completely confident in the planting material. Such seedlings will take root well on the site, will have greater resistance to disease and high yield.

Eshta is a unique and unpretentious plant. Caring for it is not difficult, and the harvest will give not only a pleasant taste, but also invaluable benefits.