sadiplod - everything about berries and their cultivation

Blackberries - growing, care and harvesting

Photo of blackberry harvest

Growing blackberries, caring for and harvesting are important parts in cultivating this shrub.

Caring for blackberries is not very different from caring for raspberries, although there are some differences. Even by appearance it is easy to distinguish these shrubs. Blackberries are taller with pronounced dense thorns. Blackberries are more elongated and dark in color. They do not separate from the receptacle and are not as sweet as raspberries. Blackberries have good yield and drought resistance.

Water infrequently, since blackberries tolerate drought quite well. The bush should receive a sufficient amount of moisture only during flowering and fruit set. Lack of water can affect the frost resistance and fruiting of the plant.

Important: Organic and mineral fertilizers are used as fertilizer. In the first half of the season, the bush is fertilized with humus, urea and ash, and in the second half with phosphorus, potassium and complex fertilizers.

Attaching the bushes to trellises will prevent damage to the shoots and improve access to sunlight. Pruning is of great importance for blackberries. It is carried out in spring and autumn, removing damaged, old and frozen shoots.

Blackberry fruiting begins in the second half of summer, but largely depends on climatic conditions and the chosen variety. The fruits of early blackberries delight gardeners already in June, and the bushes themselves can bear fruit until the end of summer. Mid-season and late varieties ripen in July-August. Remontant blackberries are capable of producing two harvests: at the beginning and at the end of summer. Many varieties have extended fruiting, which makes it possible to obtain fresh berries throughout the season.

Harvesting begins after the berries have fully ripened and acquired their characteristic black hue. Ripe berries should not hang on the branches for a long time. They are picked together with the fruit and placed in a shallow container. Blackberries have a dense texture, are well stored and can withstand transportation.

Blackberry Izobilnaya - description of the variety

A description of the Izobilnaya blackberry variety will be useful for those who grow or are just looking at this variety. Blackberry Izobilnaya was bred with the help of breeding work by I.V. Michurin at his breeding station, but the material for the work was the American blackberry variety Lucretia.

Late ripening blackberries with powerful thorny shoots. Many gardeners fell in love with this variety for its ease of cultivation. The shrub grows about 2 meters in height. The shoots are creeping and grow well on a trellis. At the time of flowering, the variety has large light flowers with long sepals, which allows the plant to be planted as a hedge.

Fruiting of the blackberry Abundant is regular, but not high. The berries are medium in size, black in color and have a sweet and sour taste. With timely fertilizing and proper watering, you can increase the yield several times.

The variety has good drought resistance and immunity to many dangerous diseases. Frost resistance of blackberries is average, so it is recommended to grow them in the southern regions. In the central zone of Russia, in the Urals and Siberia, it can freeze slightly in winter if you do not use additional shelter.

To get the maximum benefit from a plant, it is best to purchase planting material from a nursery. High-quality seedlings have increased frost resistance and resistance to diseases and pests.

Frozen blackberries: properties, recipes

The properties of frozen blackberries and recipes for preparing dishes from this amazing berry are extensive and varied. Blackberries contain a whole complex of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Blackberries are used for colds due to their ability to lower body temperature and anti-inflammatory properties.

Berries strengthen the immune system, restore digestion, protect against atherosclerosis and normalize the functions of the liver and kidneys. Blackberries normalize blood sugar levels, improve metabolism and are a good prevention of cancer.

Freezing blackberries allows you to preserve the nutrients as much as possible. Enterprises use the blast freezing method, in which the temperature drops instantly, maintaining the high quality of the product.

For freezing blackberries, ripe, undamaged berries are selected.

Important: Do not wash the berries before freezing - this will shorten the shelf life and spoil the consistency of the berries.

The berries are sorted, debris is simultaneously removed, and laid out on a flat surface in one layer. In this form they are placed in the freezer for several hours. After the berries are frozen, they can be transferred to separate bags so that they do not take up much space. Frozen blackberries can be stored for at least a year.

In the future, frozen berries can be used to prepare any drinks, dessert dishes, filling for pies or ice cream.

Preparing natural marmalade will delight not only children, but also healthy food connoisseurs. You need to take 200 grams of blackberries, 7 g of agar-agar, 200 ml of water and 100 g of sugar. You can add other berries and fruits to taste. To grind blackberries, it is better to use a blender, then use a sieve to get rid of the seeds. Add agar-agar to the water and boil for a couple of minutes. After the mixture has cooled a little, add berry puree to it and bring to a boil again. Pour into small containers and let cool at room temperature.

Blackberries - winter-hardy varieties

Winter-hardy blackberry varieties have the least sensitivity to frost, which allows them to be planted in central Russia and in the northern regions. Winter-hardy blackberries are the most popular, and their taste characteristics are high.

Winter-hardy varieties include:

  • Agavam. A proven variety bred in America. A tall shrub with powerful shoots with thorns. At the time of flowering, the shrub is covered with large white flowers that have a fragrant aroma. Fruiting begins in August. The berries are large, black in color without pronounced sourness. The shrub is unpretentious and resists both drought and frost well. The yield of the variety is high.
  • Darrow. A medium-ripening shrub reaching a height of 3 m. The variety was bred in the USA. The berries are large, black in color and oblong in shape. Due to their dense texture, the berries can be stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well. The variety has good frost resistance and disease resistance.
  • Polar. The variety was bred in Poland and quickly gained popularity due to its high taste and frost resistance. The shrub is upright, about 3 meters in length, without thorns. The berries are large, sweet in taste, and ripen in June. The variety has good resistance to diseases and pests.
  • Thornless. Tall shrub, American selection. The shoots are erect, devoid of thorns. The berries are black and elongated in shape. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, refreshing. They are not damaged during transportation. The variety has good frost resistance and is not sensitive to major diseases.

Garden blackberry - leaves turn yellow

Sometimes you can find the leaves of garden blackberries turning yellow in your area. If this happens in the summer, you should think about the health of the plant. Perhaps some mistakes were made in caring for him.

Causes of premature yellowing of leaves:

  • Viral and fungal diseases. Mosaic, netting, anthracnose, spotting and other diseases can be recognized by changes in the color and shape of the leaves. The leaves become deformed, spots and yellowing appear. As a treatment, the shrub is treated with fungicides.
  • Lack of nutrients. For full growth, blackberries need elements such as copper, iron, nitrogen, boron, potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc. The deficiency of any of them will be indicated by the color and shape of the leaves. In the absence of nutrients, plant growth slows down, buds die, and yield decreases. To replenish nutrients, it is necessary to add substances in single form or in complex fertilizer.
  • Insect pests. Among the most common pests of blackberries are aphids and mites. There are also: raspberry beetle, mole crickets, bud moth, flower beetle, etc. To destroy pests, spraying with special chemical solutions is used. For prevention, pruning is performed in a timely manner, and in the autumn, Bordeaux mixture and other preparations are used.
  • Improper care. Blackberries are not too demanding when it comes to watering, but lack of watering can affect the health and appearance of the plant. Regular, prolonged droughts injure the root system of the plant, depriving it of the ability to replenish nutrients. The plant becomes lethargic, the leaves turn yellow, and fruiting decreases. Excess moisture also harms shrubs, especially if the drainage system is poor. This can cause some diseases. Too dense planting or lack of sunlight also affects the appearance of blackberries and leads to poor yields.