sadiplod - everything about berries and their cultivation

Lingonberry: medicinal properties and contraindications

The main medicinal properties of lingonberry

The medicinal properties and contraindications of lingonberries need to be known when growing this evergreen shrub. Not only the fruits, but also the leaves and young shoots of the plant are beneficial. The medicinal properties are due to the presence of vitamins in the fruits: A, B, C, E. Minerals are also present: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, copper, iron and others. Lingonberries contain tannins, carotene and organic acids.

Lingonberry has an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, so it is successfully used for colds.

Lingonberries are used as a pain reliever, to improve digestion, the cardiovascular system, for kidney inflammation, and rheumatism. Lingonberries improve metabolism, remove toxins from the body and normalize blood sugar. The vitamin A content in lingonberries is much higher than in blueberries, so even a small amount of berries can improve vision.

It is useful to eat lingonberries for anemia, edema, cystitis, gout, rheumatism. Lingonberries prevent the risk of developing cancer. The berries quench thirst well and are recommended for both adults and children. During pregnancy, eating lingonberries will help cope with anemia and edema.

There are contraindications to eating lingonberries, but they are few. First of all, allergy sufferers should use it with caution. In case of individual intolerance and allergic reactions, it is best to avoid the berry.

Lingonberry helps lower blood pressure, so it is indicated for hypertension. People with low blood pressure should consume lingonberries with caution, after consulting a doctor. It is not recommended to eat berries if you have high stomach acidity or peptic ulcers.

Where to plant lingonberries on the plot

Choosing a place to plant a shrub is important for full development and fruiting. Where should I plant lingonberries on my property so that they not only delight with their evergreen leaves, but also produce a rich harvest? First of all, you need to choose a sunny place, devoid of winds and bodies of water. Lingonberry is a moisture-loving plant, but waterlogging of the soil can lead to the death of the bush. Groundwater should lie at a distance of about 50 cm from the soil surface.

When planting, you must remember that the plant will grow in one place for about 30 years, and its roots can be distributed horizontally up to 3 meters. Therefore, it is advisable for the shrub to grow in a prepared place without replanting.

The soil for planting should be acidic, peaty or peaty-sandy. To prepare such soil, it is necessary to dig up the selected area, remove weeds and remaining debris and remove the top layer of soil about 30 cm. Pour peat with sand and a small amount of sawdust and pine needles onto the prepared space. The soil needs to be compacted well and the acidity increased. To do this, you need to add citric or malic acid. For dilution in 3 liters of water, one spoon of acid will be enough.

Important: The plant will grow and bear fruit poorly in clay soil or black soil. In such soil it will not have enough oxygen and nutrients.

Before planting, it is best to soak the lingonberry bushes in a solution with potassium permanganate. This will make planting easier and serve as disinfection for the plant.

Lingonberries are planted in spring or autumn. Young seedlings are planted, maintaining a distance of up to 30 cm between bushes.

Feeding garden lingonberries

Feeding garden lingonberries is an important stage for the full growth of the plant and good fruiting. In natural conditions, the shrub often grows next to coniferous trees. In a garden plot with properly formed soil, lingonberries need only minor feeding.

In early spring, after the snow melts, lingonberries need ammonium sulfate in an amount of 0.5 kg. At the same time, you can add potassium sulfate - 1 kg and superphosphate about 2 kg. Before flowering begins, ammonium sulfate must be added again, and before fruit formation begins, manganese and zinc sulfates must be added.

Important: You can use complex fertilizers, but be sure to take into account the indicated dosage and the condition of the shrub itself.

After fertilizing, it is necessary to mulch the soil with sand or peat. Fertilizers alternate with watering and loosening the soil. Liquid fertilizers for lingonberries are more preferable - they are not capable of injuring the plant. Mineral fertilizers are best applied by foliar feeding, replenishing the supply of potassium and manganese. This will speed up the growth of shoots and increase the size of the fruit. A lack of any of the microelements can lead to deterioration of the plant's condition and loss of yield.

The lack of substances is easy to notice by the bush itself - the color and structure of the leaves change, the plant looks weakened. If measures are not taken in time, this can provoke the development of serious diseases and lead to the death of the plant. Fertilizing is carried out in the morning or evening by spraying. The sun should not hit the plant immediately after feeding.

Lingonberry variety Coral

In order to obtain higher yields, you need to pay attention to the Coral lingonberry variety. This is a low shrub up to 30 cm in height, native to Holland. The branches are dark green in color and form a spherical crown. Root shoots are present in small quantities. The leaves are elliptical in shape, small in size, dense, dark green in color. Due to its decorative properties, this variety can be used for landscaping and highlighting flower beds.

Coral lingonberry has good yield. Fruiting begins in the second year after planting. You can harvest twice per season: in June and September. The fruits weigh up to 0.5 g. The berries are red-pink in color and have a sweet and sour taste. The berries are dense and tolerate transportation well. They have a universal purpose and are often used for homemade preparations.

The variety has good resistance to many diseases. Frost resistance is average - suitable for planting in central Russia. In colder regions, it requires shelter for the winter.

Where to buy lingonberry seedlings

Most gardeners are wondering: where to buy lingonberry seedlings? When choosing planting material, you need to pay attention to the condition of the plant. Seedlings must have a closed root system with a strong stem without damage. A wilted and sickly appearance of a plant indicates improper cultivation or transportation of planting material.

The most favorable conditions for the growth of seedlings are available in the nursery. They use modern technology and proven methods to produce high-quality, healthy plants.
By purchasing planting material from a nursery, you receive guaranteed quality and high yields. Such a plant has good survival rate on the site and increased resistance to dangerous diseases and pests. In addition, in winter the risk of stems freezing is significantly reduced.

Lingonberry is an extremely useful and valuable berry, which has not only a decorative appearance, but also high taste and medicinal properties.