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Many reasons to grow and care for lingonberries

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When planting berries, the most important thing is to carefully study growing and care technologies. Lingonberry is probably the most useful berry in Russia. Since ancient times, lingonberries have been one of the most beloved berries of our people. Without her presence it is impossible to imagine a single national dish. In the forests of Russia, even in the coldest, you can find lingonberries, and even in large quantities. Above it, in terms of berry yield, there is probably only one - cranberry. The main feature of lingonberries is that any part of it is especially beneficial for the body, even the foliage. And the fruits contain the highest concentration of nutrients and vitamins. Medicinal decoctions are made from the leaves. The name of the berry itself comes from the word “brusvyan” or “red.”

As the name suggests, lingonberries are from the lingonberry family. The shrub of this species has an almost eternal green color and small growth, about 30 cm, perhaps a little higher. The fruits are light, red, and ripen towards the end of summer. And in cold times, lingonberries are able to hide their foliage under a layer of snow, where they will remain just as fresh and green.

Bees and bumblebees pollinate this wonderful berry. The pollination process occurs with the help of tiny white flowers that resemble a bell. However, lingonberries are capable of self-pollination.

It is very interesting that lingonberries feed with the help of a fungus that lives in its roots. Its job is to suck food from the ground and process it.

How to plant lingonberries correctly

How to plant lingonberries correctly? In nature, lingonberries mainly grow in taiga, swamps and forests. Naturally, the soil should be very light, like peat or sandy loam and definitely acidic. These conditions will need to be observed when planting (transplanting) lingonberries in the garden. When planting lingonberries in soil with the required peat concentration, the berries will be larger and the yield will be much higher.

As for clay, lingonberries are very difficult to tolerate this type of soil, especially flooding, despite the berry’s predisposition to moisture. For this reason, you need to follow the groundwater rule, the level for lingonberries is 45 cm, no less. Otherwise, your site will be subject to seasonal flooding, especially in the spring. For lingonberries, it is better to choose a place illuminated by the sun. We must also not forget about frequent and abundant watering. It is recommended not to choose shady places, as fruiting will be at a minimum level.

In fact, lingonberries have enough minerals and organic fertilizers from the soil. But due to the need for a certain amount of sulfur, it should be added to the soil (50 grams - per 1 square meter). Also make sure you have a mixture available in case the peat concentration in the soil is low. The mixture is prepared from the following components: pine sawdust, river sand and high-moor peat. Most of all, it is peat that should be added; there are 5 parts of it in the mixture, and only 2 parts of sand. When enriching, you should not use humus or compost.

Planting of a seedling, or rather its root system, occurs at a depth of 30 centimeters, no more. For lingonberries, you can safely use the 30 by 30 scheme. Watering and mulching (from bark crumbs or pine litter) after planting is mandatory.

How to care for lingonberries

You also need to know how to care for lingonberries. Fertilizers can be applied after the first fruits. You also need to take into account that lingonberry bushes tend to thicken the foliage, so it is recommended to thin them out sometimes.

Watering for lingonberries is mandatory, abundant and frequent, as already written above. In the summer, when it is especially dry and hot, sprinkling will not hurt. Do not forget about loosening and mulching to retain moisture in the soil. Weeds near lingonberry bushes must be removed. It is better to do this before applying any fertilizers.

Lingonberries can easily withstand the winter period. With the help of snow, she makes herself a good shelter from severe frosts. True, its flower buds are damaged at 3 degrees and below.
Also, lingonberries do not have innate immunity against the fungus. When affected by it, you can observe a change in the shape of the branches and the colors of the flowers.

Useful properties of lingonberries and preparation

Lingonberries have a huge number of useful properties, as well as harvesting technologies. Lingonberries are very often used in various folk recipes to treat diseases. For example, berries and foliage can be used to treat internal inflammation of the excretory system. Lingonberries can also help treat flu and colds.

Foliage is usually harvested in early spring, before the first buds appear. In general, it can be produced in mid-autumn. Summer foliage is not entirely suitable for treatment; during drying, all the leaves turn black.

Foliage is collected by plucking the bush without shoots, in order to avoid damage to the bush. It will be possible to collect the foliage again only after 6 or 7 years, perhaps even later, once the lingonberries have fully recovered.

Before drying, you need to select damaged and blackened leaves. The entire process should take place in a dark and warm place.

Lingonberry berries ripen in mid-summer until mid-autumn. It all depends on the type of soil, location and variety. Fruits can be frozen, dried, made into jam, etc.

Common varieties of lingonberries

What are the most common, healthiest and most delicious varieties of lingonberries? Quite a lot of varieties of lingonberries have been bred; there are even several remontant varieties, which differ in their yield and the number of berries per season. Today over 20 varieties of lingonberries are known. They differ, as a rule, in the height of the bush, appearance, size and number of berries. Here are a few well-known varieties:

  • Variety “Red Perl” — differs in equal height and diameter of the bush - 25 centimeters. The fruits are round in shape and red in color. It has two harvest periods a year.
  • Variety “Ruby” — It increases productivity quite well. The fruits of the variety weigh about 0.2 grams. They have a red, slightly dark tint and a sweet and sour taste. The leaves are smooth and the flowers are white and medium in size. This variety can survive at very low temperatures (up to 30 degrees). Ripens relatively late.
  • Variety “Coral” — belongs to the type of high-yielding and decorative varieties. The shrub has a shape resembling a ball, but is quite compact. Height and diameter approximately 30 centimeters. It has two harvest periods a year.
  • Variety “Pink Kostroma” — It is distinguished by compact bushes that grow 15 centimeters high. Ripening period in mid-summer. The fruits are pinkish in color and round in shape. They also reach up to 1 centimeter in diameter.
  • Variety “Mazovia” — bushes of the variety reach a height of 20 centimeters. The fruits are sweet and have a distinct dark shade. Gives a lot of harvest in its short period.