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For gardeners about garden raspberries: how to plant and care

Photo of garden ezhemalina

Planting and caring for garden raspberries play an important role in the development of the shrub and affect the quantity and quality of the harvest.

The first hybrid of blackberries and raspberries was obtained in the USA in the 19th century. The berry began to be called loganberry - after the name of the person who received this hybrid. Then people all over the world became interested in the berry, and at the beginning of the 20th century Michurin was involved in breeding in Russia. As a result, the resulting hybrid acquired good yield, unpretentiousness from blackberries and resistance to frost from raspberries.

To plant raspberries, you need to choose a sunny, windless place. A small amount of partial shade is acceptable. In the shade the shrub grows poorly and bears little fruit. The soil for raspberries should be fertile and well-drained. It is unacceptable for moisture to stagnate in the soil, as well as for the proximity of groundwater and reservoirs.

Planting can be done in spring or autumn. The depth of the planting hole should be about 40 cm.

Tip: When planting in autumn, you do not need to pay much attention to organic fertilizers - this may prevent the plant from successfully surviving the winter.

Ejamberry seedlings are prepared in advance by straightening the roots. They are placed in a planting hole and covered with a layer of earth with humus.

Ezhemalina is just gaining popularity, so gardeners have a question: where to get planting material. Many take seedlings from familiar gardeners, but it is impossible to check the quality of the plant and its susceptibility to diseases.

In order for the seedlings to take root well, it is necessary to purchase planting material from a nursery. Conditions suitable for the plant allow you to grow a high-quality seedling with a 100% survival rate, which will delight you with a high yield.

The distance between planted plants should be about a meter, and between rows - two meters. It is good if pebbles are placed at the bottom of the planting hole - this will improve soil drainage. After planting, the seedlings need to be watered and mulched.

Ezhemalina does not need such careful care as its ancestor - raspberries. Regular watering should not lead to flooding of the soil. If a sufficient amount of fertilizer was used during planting, then there is no need to feed the plant in the next two years. An adult plant can be fed with a solution of manure or chicken droppings. Nettle infusion works well on blackberries.

The plant needs pruning and support. During the fruiting period, you can cover the raspberries with a net to protect them from birds.

Pruning and garter of raspberries

Pruning and tying are necessary conditions for the growth of a healthy plant. The first pruning is carried out after planting. If the length of the shoots after planting exceeds 30 cm, they need to be slightly shortened.

Mature plants are pruned after harvest. Old shoots that bear fruit, as well as damaged or diseased areas are removed. If the plant is too bushy, you can also thin it out. Spring pruning is permissible only before sap flow begins.

To prevent the branches of the raspberry from bending due to bad weather or the weight of the harvest, it needs special support. Trellis are used for this. It is necessary to stretch several rows of wire onto which the shoots of the plant are tied based on their height. Short shoots are fixed on the lower tier of the wire, and the rest - on the upper ones. You can use fishing line instead of wire.
Important: Fixation to support stakes leads to reduction of fruits.

If the raspberry tree is not trimmed and tied up, it will soon grow over the entire area.

Popular varieties of raspberries

Popular raspberry varieties are distinguished by their large fruit size and good yield. Some varieties retain blackberry characteristics, others - raspberry characteristics. In general, Ezhmalina has good resistance to frost and drought.

Better raspberry varieties:

  • Tayberry. The bush is vigorous and has characteristic thorns. The fruits ripen early. The berries are large red-violet in color. It is difficult to separate the berries from the stalk. The yield of the variety is high.
  • Boysenberry. A shrub with creeping shoots obtained in the USA. The variety is characterized by small thorns, although there is also a second type - without thorns. The berries are medium in size and dark cherry in color. The taste of the berries is pleasant, sweet and sour.
  • Loganberry. The variety is characterized by the absence of thorns. The berries are medium-sized, red-violet in color. The variety is suitable for cultivation in central Russia.
  • Texas. A tall shrub about 5 meters with characteristic thorns. The berries are large, dark crimson in color. Difficult to separate from the stalk. The variety has good yield and is not susceptible to cold.
  • Darrow. An erect shrub about 3 meters in height. The berries are medium-sized, red-violet in color. The taste characteristics of the berries are high. The variety has good yield and is suitable for cultivation in central Russia.

Ezhemalina - propagation by layering

Reproduction of raspberries by layering can occur in two ways:

  • reproduction by apical layering;
  • reproduction by horizontal layering.

For blackberries, a very convenient method is propagation by layering, especially for creeping varieties. To propagate by apical layering, it is necessary in the spring to bend one or more shoots to the ground, and to deepen the tip into the soil. Soon buds will appear on the shoots underground. After the plant has roots and new shoots, it can be separated from the mother bush.

To propagate raspberry by horizontal layering, you need to bend the shoots of the plant to small trenches. Trenches for this purpose are dug in advance.

Important: It is necessary that the shoots grow about 30-35 cm.

The shoots need to be sprinkled with earth and watered. Further care for the cuttings will consist of regular watering and preparation for winter. In autumn, the trenches are covered with peat or sawdust. In the spring, about three new rooted shoots will appear in the trench. As soon as their height reaches 15 cm — they can be separated from the mother shoot and planted in a permanent place.

Healing properties of raspberries

The healing properties of raspberry lie not only in the berries, but also in the leaves. The fruits of the raspberry are rich in a complex of vitamins, microelements, carotene, pectin, organic acids, anthocyanins and other beneficial substances.

It is recommended to use Ezhemalina for the treatment and prevention of colds, general strengthening of the immune system, and improvement of the condition of bones and joints. The fruits of raspberries are also good at removing toxins from the body and preventing the development of malignant tumors.

It is recommended to use Ezhemalin for people with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure.

Berries are good for the digestive system due to their coarse dietary fiber. They improve digestion and normalize stool.

When you have a cold, you can eat not only berries, but also leaves. A decoction is made from them and drunk three times a day. Raspberry leaves have an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect.

The berry has contraindications. First of all, these are allergic reactions of various etymologies of manifestation. However, they are extremely rare every day. For gastritis with high acidity of the stomach, eating the berry is not advisable, since the acids it contains will further irritate the mucous membrane. It is better to give up daily malina if you have gout and any pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

Ezhemalina is an unpretentious berry that is quickly gaining popularity. With proper care, it will give a good harvest of tasty and healthy berries.