Existing features of eshta: planting and care
Planting and caring for eshta does not require special skills and is not much different from currants. The fact is that eshta is a hybrid of black currant and gooseberry, which was obtained by a German breeder. Since 1989, the crop has become available for widespread cultivation.
The eshta shrub is spreading, powerful, about one and a half meters in height. The leaves of the bush are similar to currant leaves, but do not have such a pronounced aroma. The branches do not have thorns, which makes harvesting and caring for the plant much easier.
The attractive flowers of the plant allow it to be used as a hedge. Eshta fruits are dark in color with a purple tint. They are smaller than gooseberries, but much larger than currants. Eshta clusters usually contain about 5 berries. Fruiting of the bush begins at the age of two.
The shrub can grow in one place for up to 30 years, and fruiting depends on good care. The shrub tolerates cold well and is resistant to diseases and pests.
To plant eshta, you need to choose a sunny, windless place with fertile soil. The quality of the harvest will be significantly affected by gooseberries or currants planted nearby.
Planting can be done both in spring and autumn.
The planting hole should be about 50 cm deep and the same width. This will allow the root system to feel free and be able to absorb oxygen. A mixture of humus, wood ash and superphosphate is placed in the pit, after which the pit is filled with water. If the seedlings are planned to be planted in the fall, then the planting hole should be prepared a couple of weeks before planting. In the case of spring planting, the hole is prepared in the fall, and in the spring it must be loosened before planting. The seedling is carefully lowered to the bottom and sprinkled with fertile soil. It is necessary to ensure that the roots are not damaged during planting.
After planting, the seedlings are watered and the soil is mulched with peat, humus or dry grass. Planting in spring will require cutting off excess branches. There should be no more than 3 buds left on each shoot. Plants are planted in such a way that there is a distance of about two meters between them. If the bushes will serve as a hedge, then it is enough to leave about 50 cm between them.
Caring for the plant consists of regular watering, loosening, weeding, fertilizing and pruning. It is also necessary to take preventive measures to protect against diseases.
The soil around the plant should always be moist, since the plant is moisture-loving. One plant should require about 30 liters of water. Mulching the soil will allow moisture to remain in the soil longer and maintain the required level of moisture.
The shrub needs mineral fertilizers, superphosphate and potassium. As the plant grows, the amount of mineral fertilizers should increase.
In autumn, it is necessary to carry out preventive pruning, removing damaged branches. A poorly thinned plant will bear little fruit.
Eshta, growing on the balcony
Growing food on the balcony is quite possible if you know some rules of agricultural technology. Many shrubs do well in confined spaces. However, it must be remembered that growing on a balcony requires limited space and a lack of sunlight and air. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and take care of additional lighting, otherwise you may not expect a big harvest.
In balcony conditions, plants are more sensitive to soil conditions. It is necessary to plant it only in fertile soil, regularly water and feed it. The planting container must be at least 50 cm deep. It is advisable to use drainage.
Plants must receive a sufficient amount of light, which can be provided by LED lamps, the choice of which is huge.
Such plants are least susceptible to attacks by pests: insects and birds, but for the best pollination it is advisable to plant several varieties at once.
Shrubs planted on the balcony will delight you with their appearance all year round and will give you a lot of delicious berries.
Eshta - shrub for hedges
The eshta bush is ideal for a hedge. This is facilitated by spreading bushes, densely planted in the right place on the site. In spring, during the flowering period, the bushes are covered with white flowers, united in inflorescences. Neat green leaves will delight you with their appearance until autumn, after which they will acquire a red tint and fall off.
The berries ripen in July-August and change color from green to dark brown with a purple tint.
Due to its appearance, the eshta shrub is widely used to decorate areas. The shrub can be planted as a single plant or in one line along a fence or garden path. Eshta can also be used in mixed plantings among flowers and other plantings. The hedge does not require careful care, and the yield of the bushes is not high.
Eshta shrub - reproduction
Reproduction of the eshta bush is possible in several ways:
- Reproduction by layering. For this method, healthy, strong branches that are no more than two years old are selected. In the spring, when there are no longer sudden changes in temperature, the branches are bent to the ground and placed in previously prepared furrows. The grooves should be about 10 cm deep. The branches are deepened into the ground, leaving only the top, and secured with hooks.
- Propagation by cuttings. Cuttings may be green or woody. The latter are taken in the fall from two-year or four-year-old branches. The length of the cutting should not exceed 20 cm, and the number of buds should be about five. The cuttings are planted in the ground so that the top bud is above the ground, and the penultimate bud is at ground level.
Green apical cuttings are cut up to 15 cm long. Only the upper leaves are left, which are shortened by half. Cuttings are planted throughout the season until autumn. It is best to plant the cuttings in a greenhouse, creating conditions for them with high humidity and cool air.
After a few weeks, the cuttings will take root. From now on, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse premises. As soon as the cuttings are strong enough, they can be transplanted to a permanent place. - By dividing the bush. The procedure is only available for healthy adult plants. It can be carried out when the bush needs to be transplanted to a new location. To propagate by division, the plant is dug up, cleared of soil and carefully cut into pieces with a knife. Each part should consist of roots and shoots. The sections are treated with charcoal and planted in prepared areas. It is best to divide the bush in the fall.
Esta, care in the fall, preparation for winter
Caring for it in the fall and preparing it for winter does not require much effort. The shrub is quite resistant to cold and special preparation for winter is usually not carried out. In southern conditions, eshta feels good in winter. In the middle zone, if there are strong winds, special tying of the bush may be required. This is done to prevent the branches from being damaged in winter.
In Siberia, where winters are cold and snowy, it is best to cover the bush with a layer of snow of about 15 cm. Covering the entire bush with snow is allowed.
In order to prepare the plant for winter, it is necessary to take proper care in the fall. After harvesting, you need to treat the bush from diseases and pests. The soil under the plant is dug up, and the old mulch is removed. It is advisable to feed the bushes with superphosphate and sprinkle with ash. In autumn, preventive pruning must be carried out. Damaged leaves and branches must be removed and burned.
Young seedlings that are not strong enough need shelter most of all for the winter. For this purpose, a special covering material is used, which should allow air to pass through well. In the spring, by the time the sap flows, the plant is opened, but this should not be done too early. If frost returns — seedlings may be seriously damaged.
In order for the seedlings to take root well on the site, have good winter hardiness and protection from diseases, it is necessary to choose the right planting material.
Seedlings with a closed root system have the maximum survival rate. It is best to purchase seedlings from a nursery where ideal conditions for plants are provided, which allows you to grow a healthy and high-quality plant.