sadiplod - everything about berries and their cultivation

Currants - new varieties

Photo of new varieties of currants

New varieties of currants are very popular. Many of them deservedly entered the State Register of the Russian Federation based on their achievements in selection. These varieties are distinguished by the aesthetic appearance of the bush, as well as high taste characteristics. Thanks to modern breeding work, it was possible to obtain large-fruited currants, which at the same time retained their resistance to diseases and pests.

Among the new varieties we can highlight:

  • Exotic. A variety of black currant that has many large berries - some up to 4 g. The shrub itself is erect, low, early ripening with high yield. The berries have a good taste and are suitable for home preparation, however, the skin of the fruit is thin. Because of this, there may not be a dry pull-off and a short shelf life. The variety has good winter hardiness and immunity to powdery mildew and bud mite. The sugar content is low, which adds a slight sourness to the taste. The variety does not like humid climates and abundant rainfall.
  • Izumnaya. The shrub is low, straight, with good yield. Grows well in central Russia. The berries are black, round. The maximum weight of berries is up to 3.5 g. The taste characteristics are high - it is one of the most delicious, sweet varieties. The purpose of berries is universal. The yield of the variety is up to 2 kg per bush. Ripe berries stick well to the branches, but require timely picking. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Not sensitive to temperature changes and many diseases.
  • Venus. The shrub is medium-sized with moderate density, medium ripening period. The berries are black, round in shape with a pleasant sweet taste. Sugar content up to 7%. The fruit is large in size with thin skin. The berries do not fall off and come off well without damage. The yield is good - 2 kg per bush. The variety is not afraid of frost or drought. Not susceptible to major diseases.
  • Vigorous. Compact low shrub - up to one and a half meters with high yield. The variety was created primarily for the Siberian region, but is well suited for cultivation in central Russia. The berries are round, black. Ripening occurs in mid-summer. About 10 berries ripen on one stalk, the largest of which can reach up to 10 grams. The berries have a sweet and sour taste and a thick skin. The shelf life of fruits is short, so it is advisable to use the berries for processing. The yield of one bush can be up to 6 kg, and in the future it will depend on the age and proper care of the plant.

Medicinal properties of black currant and contraindications

The medicinal properties of black currant and contraindications need to be known to gardeners who grow this berry crop on their property. Black currant is rich in vitamin and mineral complexes, so its popularity among gardeners is justified.

Black currant strengthens the immune system well, replenishes the supply of vitamins, reduces fever and alleviates colds.

Black currant berries are used for anemia, improving digestion and eliminating toxins. They improve metabolism and prevent diabetes. Berries normalize blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels and cope with skin diseases.

Black currant has a diuretic and blood purifying effect. The berries are used fresh and as various preparations.

Important: Berries are not a medicine and can only support health, but not cure a serious disease.

You should not eat berries if you have allergies or individual intolerances. People with liver and kidney diseases, stomach ulcers and high acidity, as well as intestinal diseases should exclude them from the diet.

Propagation of black currant

Blackcurrant propagation is carried out in several ways. Among them:

  • Green cuttings. To do this, in the spring, young shoots of about 15 cm are selected. After a short stimulation of growth in a special solution, they are planted in a greenhouse, deepening 4 cm into the soil. High humidity and regular watering are maintained. When the cuttings become stronger, they can be transplanted to a permanent place.
  • Lignified cuttings. Cuttings are harvested in spring or autumn from healthy, undamaged branches. By dividing, several cuttings are prepared, after which they are planted in nutrient soil. Strong cuttings with a well-formed root system are transplanted to a permanent place.
  • Laying. In this case, you need to dig in cuttings that are no more than 3 years old. This needs to be done in the spring and then by autumn the roots will appear. The cuttings are separated from the main bush, and in the spring they are planted in a permanent place.
  • Seed propagation. For this method, only ripe, undamaged berries are selected. They need to be washed and dried until spring. At the beginning of spring, dried fruits must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. After which the material is sown into a fertile mixture. After this, you need to maintain optimal air temperature and humidity. We plant the emerging cuttings in containers. This method of propagation does not provide for obtaining all the qualities of the parent plant.
  • Dividing the bush. With this method, the bush is divided into two or more parts in the spring. It is important that each part has roots and branches equally. The division occurs with pruning shears, and all the resulting parts are planted in prepared places.

White currants on a trunk

Growing white currants on a trunk allows you not only to collect good harvests, but also to give the garden a decorative look. All that is needed for this is the creation of support for the bush, which will accompany it throughout its life. This method of growing currants will significantly extend its life.

Advice: Many gardeners refuse this method of growing, considering it labor-intensive, but completely in vain. Growing currants on a trunk allows you to increase productivity due to the uniform distribution of sunlight and simplify plant care. In addition, this method allows you to minimize the contact of the plant with the ground and insect pests.

Among the options for such cultivation there are: on a rooted trunk and on a rootstock.

For growing on your own root trunk, white currant seedlings can be taken of any variety, the main thing is to have confidence in the planting material. Buy seedlings only from a nursery - this way you will get healthy plants with a high survival rate. Such seedlings will bear fruit well and have increased resistance to disease.

Planting can be done in spring or autumn. The seedlings are placed vertically in the planting hole and fixed on a support. Only the main trunk of the plant is left, the remaining branches are removed. The upper part of the remaining branch must be pinched. All lower buds will require removal - no more than 4 pieces should remain. It is also necessary to pinch the tops of growing shoots. The same is done in the second year after planting.

This produces a low shrub, more like a small tree, with a central trunk and side branches.

For growing on a rootstock, the best white currant variety is Brecht Korona or another winter-hardy variety with good disease resistance.

This method of cultivation will require more skill and diligence, as well as knowledge of grafting methods. Initially, growing a seedling is similar to the previous method. Only one shoot is left, removing all unnecessary branches and buds. When it has reached a height of 80 cm, a small cutting up to 5 mm thick is prepared for it. Next, grafting is performed and all excess buds are removed. To prevent the grafting cutting from breaking off, all shoots on it are pinched.

Next, the plant is cared for like an ordinary currant, observing the frequency of watering and fertilizing. Currant branches will need garter.

White currant - transplanting an adult bush

Replanting an adult white currant bush should be done when the bush is dormant. The best time for this is mid-autumn. The planting hole is prepared several weeks before transplantation, choosing a well-lit place on the site. To preserve the roots as much as possible in the spring, you can partially dig up the shrub, preparing it for autumn replanting. In this case, if some roots are damaged, the plant will be able to adapt to this before the onset of autumn. Immediately before planting, the bush is completely dug out, and the roots are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will strengthen the root system and get rid of pests.

The roots are placed on burlap and can be transported a short distance. It must be remembered that replanting an adult plant is a lot of stress. Therefore, it must be carried out as quickly as possible, trying to preserve both the root system and the above-ground part. For white currants, drainage from brick or expanded clay must be made at the bottom of the planting hole.