sadiplod - everything about berries and their cultivation

Currants - decorative varieties

Photo of decorative varieties of currants

Ornamental currant varieties will help decorate your garden plot and add unexpected fresh colors to your landscape. They can be easily recognized by their unusual foliage, which tends to change color over the course of the season. Some species growing in warm climates do not shed their leaves all year round. Flowers of decorative varieties are distinguished by their bright color and structure of inflorescences.

When choosing a variety, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features and purpose of the plant. Not all ornamental currant varieties prefer to grow in the shade. The abundance of sunlight has a good effect on the growth of the shrub and its appearance during flowering. The berries of decorative varieties are not eaten, but they themselves add an additional decorative element among the dense green crown.

Shrubs coexist well with flowers, low trees and berry crops. The root system of ornamental currants is shallow, so there will be no competition between other plants. Decorative currants look good as hedges and in composition with other crops.

Planting of shrubs is carried out in spring or autumn, and care does not require much effort. The main thing is to carry out timely pruning and prepare the plants for winter.

Among the decorative varieties of currants we can highlight:

  • Blood red currant. A common type of American currant, used for landscaping. Found in Canada and the northern United States. The variety is particularly lush during flowering. Use as hedges is possible due to the height of the bush about 4 meters. The leaves have a standard shape for currants. Their color can range from light yellow to dark green depending on the variety. Bright flowers in the form of small inflorescences can be red or pink. Long flowering begins in May, after which black berries with a slight bloom appear. They are not poisonous, but do not have any taste, so they are not used in cooking.
  • Alpine currant. Often used to create hedges. The shrub is low - up to one and a half meters. Widely distributed in European countries and southern Russia. Flowering is characterized by elongated clusters of small yellow-green flowers. In mid-summer, pink or reddish berries appear, favorably emphasizing the green crown of the bush. Only birds eat the fruits.
  • Bieberstein currants. The shrub has an unusual appearance during the flowering period. Among the spreading green branches, long cysts strewn with pink-red flowers peek out. The flowers are not located tightly to each other, but seem to cover the entire crown of the plant. The shrub is widespread in forest and mountainous areas in southern Russia and the Caucasus. The berries are similar to cherries, but are not suitable for eating.

Currants for the face, properties

The extensive properties of currants for the face are due to their rich vitamin and mineral complex. For cosmetic purposes, currant berries, juice, leaf decoctions, seed oil and currant extract are used. Currants are often used in the manufacture of various masks, scrubs, lotions and tonics for the face. The vitamins, acids and minerals it contains deeply cleanse and moisturize the skin, have an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, rejuvenating and restorative effect. Currants also regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands well and even out the complexion.

Currant puree with the addition of any base oil or milk components is used as a face mask. If you need to whiten your face, then red currants will do a better job than black currants. To nourish the skin, currants are mixed with honey in equal proportions.

Important: People with a tendency to allergies should use currant-based cosmetics with caution.

It is recommended to keep all berry masks for no more than 10 minutes, then rinse with water and apply a nourishing cream.

Currant Goliath - description of the variety

When describing the Goliath currant variety, it is worth mentioning its main advantage - the yield does not depend greatly on weather conditions and agricultural methods. This variety of blackcurrant appeared in Europe and continues to conquer new territories. Black currant Goliath is self-fertile and does not require pollinating plants. In Russia it grows well in the central region. For planting, choose a flat, windless area. Grows well in shaded areas, but fruiting will be higher with sufficient sunlight.

The shrub has a straight position for the first time after planting, but then the branches become more spreading. The fruit ripening period is late. The berries may vary in size due to different lengths of the clusters. The fruits stick well to the branches, do not fall off and are suitable for mechanical harvesting. The yield of the variety is up to 8 kg. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, refreshing. The variety has good frost resistance.

To plant a plant in a summer cottage, you need to choose seedlings with a closed root system. Purchasing planting material from a nursery will significantly increase its survival rate and resistance to disease. Such seedlings begin to grow faster, and mature shrubs produce more harvest.

Currants from seeds, cultivation

Many gardeners are interested in growing currants from seeds - after all, this gives scope for new achievements. Seed propagation is an interesting and easiest way to feel like a breeder. This method is often used to obtain new plant species. But in order for one single experiment to be successful, it is necessary to spend a lot of time on all the other unsuccessful ones. Therefore, the result of this method of reproduction may disappoint you. Shrubs obtained by this method do not retain the qualities of the parent plant. Even the own characteristics of such currants can change significantly over the period of its life.

It is impossible to predict in what direction the yield indicators will change, so the field for experimentation is huge. Only ripe whole berries are selected for seed propagation. The largest ones need to be washed and dried naturally. After this, the planting material is stored until spring in a dry place. With the onset of spring, the seeds are treated with potassium permanganate and sown in a small container with fertile soil. The container is covered with film or glass and placed in a warm, windless place.

Important: At first, the seeds should not be exposed to direct sunlight. You should also try to prevent the soil from overcooling and maintain regular watering.

When shoots appear, the film can be removed and the container placed in a sunny place. Seedlings from 15 cm can be planted in open ground with the onset of stable warm weather. After planting, seedlings must be watered regularly until they are completely rooted.

Currant - leaf diseases

Diseases of currant leaves mean improper care of the plant. Even minor changes in leaves can indicate hidden diseases that pose a serious danger to the shrub. The presence of such a disease may be indicated by uncharacteristic yellowing of leaves, the appearance of spots or changes in their size.

Main causes of currant leaf disease:

  • Fungal and viral diseases. Many of them are reflected on the leaves in the form of plaque, spots and drying of the leaves. At the same time, viral diseases are the least treatable and can lead to the death of the bush. To prevent diseases, currants must be treated in the spring with a solution of urea, potassium permanganate, Bordeaux mixture and other fungicides.
  • Insufficient watering. During dry periods, currants need regular watering. Even drought-resistant varieties do not tolerate long periods without water. Currants should not be watered often, but abundantly. The watering rate for an adult plant is 30 liters.
  • Lack of microelements. Currants need elements such as: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. The most convenient way to apply them is by foliar feeding, which is carried out four times a season.
  • Insect pests. Aphids and mites settle on currant leaves, causing great harm to the plant. As a result, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. To destroy pests, traditional methods are used: a solution of tobacco or laundry soap. And after harvesting, you can use special chemicals.