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Blackcurrant - beneficial properties and care

Photo of black currant, its beneficial properties and care

The beneficial properties of black currants and caring for them - you will learn all this and much more from the article. Black currant is a small shrub mentioned in Russia back in the 10th century. Due to the high content of essential oils, currants have a fragrant aroma, which gives rise to the name of the plant. In Rus' they began to call it that - stench, which means smell. Later the name was transformed into one that is more familiar to us today.

Currants love the sun, but prefer less arid regions, so the main places where they grow in Russia are the Urals and Siberia. Blackcurrant is distributed all over the world: in Europe, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North America. The plant is often found in the wild, preferring swampy and humid forests and river banks.

It is believed that currants came to us from the East, where they were used as an important ingredient in the preparation of meat dishes.

Currants are still used today in cooking, as well as in folk medicine.

Black currant, benefits and properties

The benefits and medicinal properties of black currant have been known for a long time. This berry not only has high taste, but can also help in the fight against serious diseases. Not only fruits, but also leaves and stems can be used for treatment. During the process of heat treatment and freezing, the berries do not lose their beneficial properties.

Currants slow down the aging of the body, improve vision, and help remove toxins and poisons from the body. Currants have a beneficial effect on the liver, improving the excretion of bile. This berry is also indispensable for brain function. Its regular consumption will have a beneficial effect on memory and attention. Currants are good for the heart, nervous system and immunity. The use of currants is extensive: from the prevention of colds to the fight against oncology.

Decoctions from the leaves cope well with skin diseases and are used for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

Black currant berries are used to prepare decoctions to treat the stomach and intestines. In this case, heat treatment neutralizes the effect of the acid contained in the fruit, which in large quantities is harmful for gastritis and ulcers.

Black currant is good for colds and respiratory diseases. Currant decoctions will help with bleeding gums, but even if you regularly eat a handful of berries, this can eliminate many diseases.

Black currant helps improve metabolism, relieves constipation and normalizes intestinal function.
In cosmetology, blackcurrant juice is used as a good scrubbing agent for deep cleansing the skin of the face and body. The berry maintains skin tone well, rejuvenates and removes age spots.

In cooking, black currant leaves are added when preparing dishes to reveal the taste of the products. They are suitable for adding when canning foods.
It must be remembered that black currant is not a medicine and cannot fully replace medications. It is good to use in complex treatment, using caution.

The berry should not be consumed by people suffering from thrombophlebitis, since currants can increase blood clotting when consumed regularly in large quantities. For the same reason, it is better to avoid berries during pregnancy. Black currant is contraindicated for gastritis and peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, as well as for liver hepatitis. Blackcurrant helps well with diseases of the cardiovascular system, but it should not be consumed immediately after a stroke or heart attack. In some cases, black currant can cause allergic reactions, especially in childhood.

Black currant, planting and care

Planting and caring for black currants is not much different from all shrubs. It is best to plant the plant in September-October, allowing it to take root well in the winter. In this case, it will begin to grow better in the spring. You can plant shrubs in spring only until the buds swell.

The area should be dry, windless and sunny. Soil pH should not exceed 5.5. The soil should be fertile, preferably on the south side of the site. The soil is dug up and fertilized in the fall, preparing a planting hole of about 50 cm. The shrub is placed in the hole, covered with soil and compacted. It is necessary to immediately water the plant and mulch the area with humus. Planting in the fall involves cutting off excess shoots. In the spring you will also need to remove all damaged branches. This must be done before the currants wake up. Throughout the season, it is necessary to regularly weed to remove weeds. The soil surface needs to be dug up and mulched with humus.

The berry loves moisture and requires regular watering. Its deficiency will affect the poor growth of branches and shoots. At one time the plant needs 20 liters of water.
Blackcurrant wakes up early, but does not tolerate spring frosts well. It is necessary to protect it from possible frost with plastic wrap. Currants often need support; do not neglect this, otherwise some branches may break off.

It is necessary to feed currants and protect them from pests. For this purpose, fertilizing and spraying with special means are used.

The sweetest varieties of black currant

The sweetest varieties of blackcurrant are obtained from cross-pollination of several plant species in an area. The fruits of the following varieties have the greatest sweetness:

Nina. Medium-sized shrub with large berries, early ripening. The taste of the fruit is very sweet and rich. The berries ripen almost simultaneously, there are many of them and they have a good shape. Currants have good winter hardiness, but are sensitive to some diseases.

Bagheera. A mid-season variety that begins to bear fruit a year after planting. The berries are large, sweet, round or oval in shape. The yield is good - up to 4.5 kg per bush. It has good winter hardiness and is not sensitive to temperature changes. Additional protection from pests is necessary since disease resistance is low.

Green haze. Early ripening variety with large juicy fruits. It tolerates frost well and is resistant to many diseases. It produces a high yield, but is often susceptible to pests such as bud mites.

Benefits of currants, composition and calorie content

The benefits of currants, their composition and calorie content depend on the type of plant. It is believed that at a young age black currant will be more beneficial for a person. It is rich in vitamin C, which means it is indispensable for strengthening the immune system and the normal functioning of the body’s defense systems. Vitamins A and B improve vision, protect against cancer and stimulate the production of hormones. Blackcurrant contains a high content of vitamins E and P, which can restore youth. Currants contain acids, tannins, phytoncides and pectin, so their benefits for the digestive system are invaluable. The fruits contain calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and potassium, which improve the body's metabolic processes. The most useful substances are found in fresh, unprocessed currants. The longer the berries are stored, the less nutrients remain in them. The highest content of vitamin C is in unripe berries.

There are only 40 calories per 100 grams of blackcurrant, so it can be included in the diet menu. When preparing porridges, compotes and flour products, the calorie content of the berry increases.

Black currant is a healthy and tasty berry that has virtually no contraindications. Any product, even the most healthy one, can cause harm if moderation and preparation methods are not observed.