sadiplod - everything about berries and their cultivation

White currant - composition and benefits

 Photo of white currant, its composition and benefits

White currant often grows in garden plots. Its popularity is no less than black, and its taste is also worthy of the highest ratings.

The great advantage of white currants is its high yield. In addition, the berries are denser and remain on the branches longer. White currants are not affected by mites, which is a significant factor that makes caring for the bush easier.

Let's consider the composition and benefits of white currants. Despite the fact that white currants contain less vitamin C compared to black currants, they are no less useful. White currants contain organic acids, sugars, and pectins that help cleanse the blood.

Due to its properties, white currants are often consumed in areas with disturbed ecology, as it helps eliminate toxins and heavy metal salts. Organic acids promote proper digestion and destroy harmful intestinal bacteria.

It is white currants that contain the most potassium and iron, which help strengthen the cardiovascular system. With regular consumption of currants, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and excess fluid is removed. White currants are rich in magnesium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus. It contains such important elements as: tocopherol, dietary fiber, ascorbic acid, iron. The berry not only helps normalize digestion, but also does not contain extra calories, so it can be successfully used for a healthy diet.

The berry is also rich in vitamins. It contains a high content of vitamin A, which has general strengthening properties, increases resistance to cancer and has a beneficial effect on vision.

White currants contain a lot of B vitamins, which strengthen the nervous system, improve memory and the digestibility of proteins and fats. For people who often experience stressful situations or simply engage in mental activity, white currants will be indispensable.

Vitamin C is contained in white currants in smaller quantities, but nevertheless has a general strengthening and immunostimulating effect.
Vitamin P prevents the development of atherosclerosis. There is quite a lot of it in white currants. It also protects the liver and gallbladder and improves bile flow. It cleanses the blood well, saturating it with oxygen.

White currants also contain youth vitamin E. Thanks to it, the condition of the skin improves and the aging process slows down. This allows you to use the properties of white currant for cosmetic purposes.

It is recommended to consume berries in case of digestive problems or excess weight. White currant has a slight laxative and diuretic effect. Helps with nausea and fever. Due to the absence of pigment in the berry, it does not cause allergic reactions.

Important: Despite the benefits, white currants have a number of contraindications. People with stomach ulcers, gastritis and high acidity should refrain from consuming it so as not to worsen the course of the disease.

White currants, care and planting

Caring for and planting white currants is not a very labor-intensive task.
Like all shrubs, white currants are best planted in the fall. This should be done in September-October, depending on the region. The main thing is that the plant has enough time to get stronger in its new place before the onset of cold weather. Planting can also be done in the spring - before the buds begin to bloom.

It is better to choose a site for planting that is sunny, without dampness. If the place is shaded and close to a pond, this will affect the general condition and productivity of the plant. The windless south side of the site will be the best option. The soil can be clayey, loamy or sandy with moderate acidity. Groundwater must lie at a sufficient depth from the root system of the bush. If the groundwater is shallow, then you should choose a different area, or artificially create a mound for planting.

Before planting the plant, the area is dug up and fertilized. Compost or ash is used for this. The depth of the pit should be about 50 cm. Humus is placed in it, and, if necessary, lime to reduce the acidity.

Currant seedlings must be of high quality, since their life expectancy and high yield depend on this. Disease-prone varieties require additional treatment measures. If the seedling is initially of low quality, then taking preventive measures is useless - diseases will make themselves felt. A quality seedling has at least three prominent roots of about 15 cm and several others of smaller size. The seedling should not have a weak, unhealthy appearance, and the number of branches should be at least two. The branches should be straight and without visible damage. The length of the branches can be about 40 cm.

The root is carefully placed in the hole in a straightened form. The shrub must be planted with a slight slope of up to 45° so that the root faces south. It is necessary to deepen it by 15 cm so that the plant becomes stronger and develops a good root system. After this, straighten the roots and sprinkle with soil. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered. Finally, it is necessary to mulch with humus. Excess shoots of the seedling must be trimmed so that the plant expends the maximum amount of energy to strengthen the roots and grow branches.

Important: If planting rules are not followed and the wrong location is chosen, the development of the shrub will be slow due to poor resistance to diseases and pests.

White currants, care and cultivation

Caring for and growing white currants involves carrying out a number of necessary actions to help increase the quality and quantity of the harvest.
Watering must be done frequently, especially during the rainy season. The intensity of watering must be increased during the fruiting period. To reduce moisture evaporation, the soil around the bush must be mulched. Weeding will ensure better penetration of sunlight, and weeds will not take away nutrients.

Each autumn it is necessary to carry out light pruning so that the bush does not become overgrown. Over time, it is necessary to remove old or damaged branches.

White currants need high-quality feeding. Organic, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients will improve the condition of the plant and have a beneficial effect on the quality of the crop.
Tip: In order for fertilizers to be better absorbed after use, it is necessary to mulch the soil.

White currant, varieties resistant to pests

White currant varieties that are resistant to pests have been specially bred by breeders for the most convenient cultivation of berry crops.

  • White fairy. The variety is resistant to most diseases and is almost not affected by pests.
  • Cream. Withstands light frosts and is rarely affected by diseases.
  • Primus. Winter-hardy variety with good disease resistance.
  • Dutch white. It has average resistance to diseases, but with proper care it is practically not susceptible to diseases.
  • Minusinsk white. The variety has good disease resistance.
  • Bayan. Has good disease resistance.
  • Ural white. Good resistance to diseases and pests
  • White currant – Ural white, description
Let's take a closer look at the description of white currant: Ural white.
It is a low bush with dense, medium-spreading branches. The selection was carried out at the South Ural Institute and has been actively used in this region since 2004

The brushes are up to 8 cm long with berries up to 1 g. The fruits are round in shape, light yellow, sweet with a slight sourness, and ripen early. The berries have a high content of vitamin C. They have a universal purpose and are highly used in cooking. The variety is characterized by high productivity and self-fertility. Fertile loams with moderate acidity, located in unshaded areas of the site, are more suitable for growth. The variety tolerates cold well and is resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose.

White currants will bring a lot of benefits and pleasure if they are given the necessary care. Berries can be used to prevent and treat many diseases; they are effectively used in cosmetology and cooking.