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Features of white strawberries, planting and care

Features of white strawberries, planting and care

Strawberry is a low-growing plant of the strawberry genus that produces berries, the size of which varies depending on the variety. The name “strawberry” comes from the location of the fruit, which is located close to the ground. As for strawberries, this word reflects the shape of the berries, because “club” translated from Old Russian means spherical. In reality, wild strawberries and strawberries are two completely different varieties.

Strawberry petioles are straight and do not exceed 40 cm in height. The leaves of the plant are large, dense, have a trifoliate shape with a rich green color and clearly visible veins. The roots of an adult plant have a fibrous structure, are well developed and go down to a depth of 25 cm. Strawberries have an inflorescence - a multi-flowered shield, where the flowers are located on high peduncles and are on the same plane. Strawberry fruits are of a complex type and are called multi-nuts.

Strawberries are notable for the fact that their seeds are located on the outside of the fruit, and not inside, like other berries. In this sense it is unique. Strawberries are an unusually healthy berry that helps strengthen the immune system and cope with migraines. The fact is that the components included in its composition are identical to aspirin. And its taste characteristics will leave few people indifferent. The variety of varieties allows you to choose berries for every taste.

Currently, albino strawberries are becoming increasingly popular, which reveal new unusual tastes and a pleasant, noble appearance. White strawberries date back to the 18th century, when an unusual light shade was obtained by crossing wild varieties. However, later this species completely disappeared, and what we now know as white strawberries is a natural hybrid of Virginia and Chilean wild strawberries, which has a pineapple flavor. The protein responsible for the red tint was removed from the berry. As a result, the ripening process occurs naturally, but the berries remain white. This is a great advantage for allergy sufferers. As you know, strawberries are a common allergen, and it is the protein responsible for its color that provokes allergies.

White strawberry varieties

Pineberry variety. This is a Dutch white strawberry, also called a white pineapple. The fruits are small in size, up to 23 mm, with red grains, indicating the ripeness of the fruit. The flesh is white or slightly orange. The taste of the berries is very similar to pineapple, so it gives off a slight sourness. Dutch strawberries are resistant to most diseases.

Variety White Soul. Another variety bred in Holland. The strawberry bush does not exceed 20 cm in height. The fruits of this variety are light in color and small in size. They have high yields and a persistent pleasant aroma. The riper the berries, the stronger the smell and taste will resemble pineapple. The fruits do not respond to temperature changes and are unpretentious in terms of sunlight. They can grow both in the shade and in the sun. The variety is not susceptible to diseases.

Anablanca variety. French variety of white strawberries. It appeared relatively recently, so it is considered a rare variety. The berries are not large, neat, light in color with red grains. Sometimes the flesh may acquire a pink tint, which indicates prolonged exposure to the sun. This does not affect the taste characteristics in any way. The fruits are very sweet with an alluring pineapple aroma, which is why many consider this variety to be the best. It is not susceptible to diseases and is compact on the site, since the bushes do not take up much space and behave well even in close proximity to each other.

Variety White Swede. Belongs to large-fruited varieties. The fruits are white with a pink tint, sprinkled with red grains. Despite the small bushes, the fruits on them sometimes weigh more than 25 grams. The taste is similar to strawberries, and at the same time gives off a slight sourness. Not afraid of temperature changes, drought, resistant to pests.

Variety Yellow Miracle. An unpretentious variety with small but tasty yellow berries. The taste of the fruit can be compared to wild strawberries with a hint of honey. Resistant to diseases and cold.

Another advantage of the white variety of strawberries is their greatest inconspicuousness compared to red varieties. This gives the plant the opportunity to avoid becoming a delicacy for passing birds. Berries can only reveal their location by their large, bright seeds. In this regard, the Pineberry variety is significantly superior to others.

Many novice gardeners ask the question what does remontant strawberry mean, the answer is simple — These are varieties of strawberries that bear fruit several times a season.

Planting and growing

The agricultural technology of white strawberries, their planting and care are no different from growing traditional strawberries. Despite the fact that the plants are unpretentious, they love warmth, so it is advisable to grow strawberries in greenhouses. Strawberries require moderation in moisture and sufficient heat. Soil pH should not exceed 6.5. Strawberries should not be planted in soil that has been used for raspberries, potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers. If previously corn or legumes grew in the area allocated for strawberries, then growing the berries in this case is allowed. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil: remove all possible contaminants, remnants of rhizomes and weeds. Then dig up the area to a depth of 30 cm and saturate the soil with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. The best time for planting is May-June.

For seedlings, holes up to 10 cm are prepared, based on the length of the root system. About 0.5 liters of water is poured into them, and a plant with a neatly straightened rhizome is placed. It is necessary to remember that the strawberries will grow, so during the planting process leave enough space between the bushes.

The plant begins to bloom a week after the flower arrow appears. And after another month it begins to bear fruit. Watering should be done regularly and in sufficient quantity. In this case, the water should fall directly under the roots, leaving the leaves dry. The water temperature should not be lower than the air temperature. The need for watering can be controlled by soil moisture at a depth of about 30 cm. On average, its frequency should not exceed 1 time in 7-10 days. When setting berries, the need for watering increases to 1 time every 5 days.

Where to get seedlings

It will not be possible to obtain white strawberry seedlings from seeds, since modern propagation of hybrid varieties does not provide for this method. If you are offered to purchase seeds, you need to understand that this is quackery. The whisker propagation method has significant disadvantages. The resulting daughter plant will have all the characteristics of the mother plant, which means it will acquire all the diseases, trying to get rid of which is a waste of time. To ensure that the plant does not inherit diseases from the mother bush, propagation occurs using the in-vitro test tube method. A cell culture is taken, which, with the help of hormones, does not develop chaotically, but in separate sections: the branches and roots do not become too overgrown or lagging behind in development, which is very convenient for planting. The young plant is frozen using frigo technology to a temperature of -2°C. The seedlings already have well-formed flower buds and begin to bear fruit already 8-9 weeks after planting. Under favorable conditions and good care, plants can bear fruit all year round. At the same time, the seedlings are resistant to pests and diseases. The technology of preservation in a state of suspended animation allows plants to be transported over long distances.

We purchase Dutch “frigos”, which are planted in 500-gram pots at the end of winter. In a month they will turn into seedlings with 3-4 leaves, which is very convenient to use for planting.

Caring for and harvesting strawberries

Care consists of timely watering, weed removal, fertilizing and protection from pests.
Feeding is carried out in several stages. The first, as already mentioned, is necessary when planting a plant. Next, fertilizing is carried out when flower stalks appear. Ash can be added to organic fertilizer. The third feeding is necessary at the beginning of flowering. The last feeding is carried out at the moment of bud formation for the next year's harvest.
To increase the yield, it is necessary to cut off some of the strawberry leaves and tendrils. They take away the strength of the plant and fruiting is sharply reduced. However, it is better not to prune young bushes at all, otherwise this may lead to weakening of the plant. If pruning is necessary, then the mustache should be trimmed as it grows, and excess leaves located close to the ground are removed after harvesting the main harvest.

Regular weeding will ensure good conditions and long-term existence of the plant. For best results, it is recommended to mulch the soil. A 10 cm layer of dry grass or foliage spreads over the soil. For hot regions, a good solution would be to place strawberries next to rare low plants that provide sufficient protection from the sun. Placing strawberries in greenhouses will allow you to control the temperature level and the amount of sun.

Selection methods allow us to achieve the optimal result between high yield and resistance to diseases and temperature changes. Modern varieties of white strawberries are not susceptible to diseases, and their pale color does not attract the attention of birds. For the prevention and destruction of insect pests, special effective means are used.

The harvest takes place in the fall when the berries ripen. The fruits of white strawberries become soft, fragrant with clearly defined darkened seeds. To ensure that the ripe berries remain clean and do not attract insects, you can tie the brushes in the places where they branch to the pegs. The shelf life of white strawberries depends on their successful selection and resistance to disease. Usually berries are stored for more than one week, which is one of the main points when selling products.

Getting pineapple-flavored strawberries will require a fair amount of work and time, but the taste of these berries is worth the effort. Modern advances will help make the task easier, allowing you to grow strawberries that are not susceptible to diseases, which will have a beneficial effect on the quality and quantity of berries.