sadiplod - everything about berries and their cultivation

Strawberries are big and sweet

Big and sweet strawberries

The healing and beneficial properties of strawberries have been known since ancient times. Gardeners and summer residents devote a lot of time to this tasty and at the same time whimsical berry.
In order to grow large and sweet strawberries on their plot, farmers turn to specialists for help, purchasing the necessary planting material that has protective immunity, high yield and excellent taste. Strawberry bushes are supplied in the form of seedlings of different sizes, divided into varieties and classes, produced in the laboratory.

Strawberry selection allows you to get not only a high-quality and high yield, but also spend less effort on planting, processing and protecting the plant.

Varieties of large strawberries. Description and general characteristics

Currently, a large number of strawberry varieties are known that are capable of producing a large harvest, conveying the excellent taste of the fruit. These include such varieties of strawberries as:

  • Marshal;
  • Clery;
  • Albin;
  • Elsanta;
  • Temptation;
  • Asia;
  • Carnival.
These strawberry varieties were artificially selected and bred in laboratory conditions. They are distinguished by a number of factors related to climatic norms for growth, seasonal indicators, thermal effects and sensitivity of plants capable of rapid absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

Using the Carnival strawberry as an example, let's look at the main characteristics of the fruit. The bushes of the plant are late-ripening varieties, with resistance to a large number of diseases. "Carnival" is unpretentious to temperature changes. It easily withstands heat-resistant conditions, and also does not disappear when the first frost occurs. The yield per bush is high, and the berries are large and medium in size. Ripening period is average, can grow in a large number of regions of the country.

The color of the berries is soft red, with a regular oblong shape. The berries can be easily transported without crushing the fruit, which is one of the advantages of this variety. “Carnival” can be used in preservation as compote or jam. Berries can also be frozen, because at low temperatures the fruits do not lose their taste and positive properties.

Selection of strawberries. Secrets of a big harvest

In order for your harvest to be large, and the number of cans of preserved food and frozen trays to fill the maximum compartments of cellars and freezers, you need to worry about choosing the material for planting in advance.

Cultivating plants and carrying out selection yourself is not the best option. This process is quite complex and requires special knowledge, special equipment and time.
It is better to turn to professionals who have extensive experience and have been breeding and transporting domestic and foreign varieties for many years. Imported varieties are delivered from countries such as Italy, the Netherlands, Greece and a number of other territories, exporting countries, resorting to the production of planting material in special laboratories, producing and preparing plants in vitro using the Frigo technology.

Using the “Marshal” variety as an example, we will consider the main advantages of using prepared strawberry sprouts using the “Frigo” technology.

Marshal has large, elongated fruits with a characteristic sweet and rich taste. This berry crop is found in most regions of our country, and grows well even in the most unfavorable conditions, with a wide range of temperature fluctuations and characteristics of specific soil types. Thanks to its characteristics and neat appearance, it is so loved by summer residents who want to spend a minimum of time weeding it and protecting it from pests. Large textured plant leaves create a protective barrier from sunlight, pests and insects, and also form a comfortable temperature for the plant microclimate under the leaves.

The main secret to obtaining a large harvest of the “Marshal” variety is compliance with temporary norms and cycles when planting plants. In order for the root system of the tuber to form, it must be planted in the warm spring season, when the plant can receive the optimal amount of sunlight, nutrients from the soil, and moisture.

This type of plant reproduces easily. The growing mustache is dense, it takes root and grows well. But it is worth remembering that in this case the tuber will inherit all diseases and genetic characteristics from the donor, which means that the volume and size of the crop will decrease with each subsequent growing cycle.

The growing season is characterized by a noticeable increase in leaf mass, as well as strengthening of the plant stem, which allows the formation of a bush of optimal size and shape. That is why, during the flowering process, large flower ovaries appear on the plant, from which high-quality berries appear.

The variety itself tolerates frost and drought well, which is typical for southern latitudes, where rainfall rates are much lower. Gardeners recommend loosening the soil by digging special additives and fertilizers under the plants, thereby creating an air gap between the soil and the root, helping ventilation, which will relieve the plants from sweltering heat or heavy rainfall. You can use vermiculite or perlite, as well as natural fertilizers that stimulate plant development at all stages of growth.

Classes and principle of growing large strawberries using the Frigo technology

Using a biological carrier grown using Frigo technology, gardeners receive planting material of certain sizes, which are divided according to the diameter of the shoot into several classes:

  • “A” — the length of the plant is from 1 to 1.5 cm. As a result, from 1 to 2 peduncles grow;
  • “A+” — the length of the plant exceeds 1.5 cm in diameter, which ultimately makes it possible to form a bush with 2 - 3 peduncles, which produce about 30 large berries of the correct shape and size;
  • “A+ extra” — the length is more than 2 cm. The bush has additional lateral tendrils that form up to 5 color ovaries. In this case, a large bush is formed, which can ultimately yield from 400 to 500 g per plant.
In this case, the manufacturer uses annual plants that are taken out of the ground during the late autumn cycles, just before the onset of frost. At this time, the plant is dormant. After this, the foliage of the tuber is cut off, leaving about 3 - 4 stems. The main thing here is the root system and the method of storing it.

All seedlings undergo a thermal treatment stage, after which they are treated with special solutions. It is packed in heat-resistant packaging, ready for storage and transportation. Boxes with planting material are placed in refrigeration chambers with designated temperature conditions.

After purchasing and planting strawberries grown using the Frigo method, they must be watered abundantly, without allowing the soil to dry out. It is necessary to ensure that the roots of the plant are straightened and not broken.

For the first two weeks, the plant must be watered abundantly, approximately once every 3 to 5 days. After the roots have become stronger, strawberries can be grown and cared for according to the standards of the varieties.