sadiplod - everything about berries and their cultivation

Blueberries - care, planting and agricultural technology

Photos of blueberry care, planting and agricultural technology

Care, planting and agricultural technology of blueberries are important points when cultivating this berry crop. Blueberry is a small shrub ranging from 1 to 2 meters in height, depending on the species. The branches of the plant are cylindrical and erect. They produce small, hard, smooth, lanceolate-shaped leaves. The berries are blue or blue in color. Fruits with a bluish coating, thin-skinned from 1 cm.

The berry began to be grown relatively recently, but it has been known in the wild since ancient times. The berry contains many vitamins, acids, tannins, antioxidants and other components that have a beneficial effect on the health of the human body.

Growing blueberries on your own plot is not difficult; it is enough to know the basic rules of agricultural technology. First of all, the plant loves moisture, but its excess will negatively affect the root system and the blueberry will die. It is necessary to plant blueberries in soil with high acidity and maintain moderate humidity.

Planting is carried out both in autumn and spring. The choice will depend on the age of the seedling. It is preferable to plant young seedlings in the spring, so that over the summer their root system is completely strengthened and they get used to the new place. If planted in autumn, there is a risk that they will freeze in winter, especially in severe frosts.

The place for landing is chosen to be well-lit and windless. If there is not enough sun, this will negatively affect the quality of the berries. The soil pH should be 4.5. Blueberries will not grow in soil with lower acidity.

The planting hole should be located in a place where other crops have not grown for several years before blueberries. The pit should be about 40 cm deep, with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

Important: Blueberries cannot be combined with organic fertilizers.

Garden strawberries are grown in regions with hot and long summers. Blueberries should be planted in a hole with their roots straightened out. To do this, you need to immerse it in a container of water for one hour. After the earthen ball has softened, the roots must be carefully straightened by hand and deepened into the planting hole. The root collar should be immersed in the soil by 3 cm, after which it is necessary to water the plant and mulch with coniferous species and peat.

Planting in autumn is carried out in the same way, but all unnecessary branches are removed, and the rest are slightly shortened. If the plant is more than 2 years old, then pruning is not carried out.

Further care consists of loosening and watering. The roots need a sufficient amount of moisture, but it should not stagnate. The optimal amount of water is two buckets, twice a week. It is also necessary to weed the soil to avoid weeds.

It is advisable to apply mineral fertilizers in early spring when the buds are swelling.

Garden blueberries, cultivation and medicinal properties

With proper cultivation, the medicinal properties of blueberries will be fully revealed. In order for the berry to grow well and produce a rich harvest, it must be planted on the sunny side. In poor lighting, the bush will produce few berries, and they will have a sour taste.

Blueberries love acidic soils; with low acidity levels, the roots die. The structure of the roots is thin and branched, so it will be difficult for them to break through hard soil. Watering should be done quite often. To reduce moisture evaporation, the soil around the plant is mulched. If the plant begins to feel uncomfortable, this can be seen by a change in the color of the leaves.

As a preventive measure against diseases, blueberries can be treated with Bordeaux mixture. After the leaves bloom and in the fall after they fall, preventive measures are also taken.
Blueberries are an incredibly healthy berry. It contains a high content of essential vitamin C, which ripe berries are rich in. Blueberries contain: vitamins B, P, A, K, antioxidants, organic acids, tannins, flavonoids, carotene, magnesium, copper, manganese, calcium, potassium, cobalt, phosphorus and other substances.

The medicinal properties of garden blueberries are due to their inclusion in the diet. It is also successfully used for weight loss, since the berry promotes the breakdown of fats. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, destroying pathogenic bacteria. It has a good effect on the nervous and immune systems. The berry should be consumed to cleanse the body and for problems with cardiovascular activity. It cleanses blood vessels well and prevents the occurrence of varicose veins.

Blueberries are very useful for older people, as they cleanse blood vessels in the brain, improve memory, and also remove heavy metal salts.

Blueberries prevent eye diseases and diabetes. It is indispensable for the liver, kidneys and bladder. It increases hemoglobin in the blood and is associated with oncology.
In cosmetic procedures, the berry gives a good effect both in its pure form and together with the use of additional products. It eliminates skin imperfections, burns, irritation and flaking of the skin.

You can eat the berries either in their pure form or in the form of juices, decoctions, fruit drinks, jellies and jams.

Garden blueberries - growing in the south

Growing garden blueberries in the south is practiced quite rarely, since they are more related to northern berries. To grow successfully in the south, it requires careful care. It is better to take American varieties for this, they are less sensitive to hot climates, but other best blueberry varieties can be grown in depending on the conditions in your region.

For planting in the south, it is advisable to choose a place in partial shade to reduce the impact of the southern sun and create the most comfortable conditions. If the plant is exposed to direct sunlight at midday, the leaves will quickly fade and the blueberries may wither. Too much shade also has a negative effect on the plant, which will develop poorly and bear little fruit.
The plant is placed in a prepared hole about 50 cm deep. It is advisable to carefully straighten the roots first, since they will not change their appearance once they are in the ground. The soil should be acidic and moist. A distance of at least 1 meter should be left between the rows.

The root system of blueberries is poorly developed, so it needs regular watering. Watering is carried out in two small buckets twice a week. In hot weather, it is recommended to spray water on the surface of the plant. After watering, the soil must be mulched. All nitrogen fertilizers are applied before mulching so that sawdust does not impede the passage of nitrogen.

Garden blueberries - growing in central Russia

Growing of garden blueberries in central Russia occurs mainly according to the traditional care system. The main difficulty is the short growing season for this region and snowless, cold winters.

Varieties should be selected that are specially adapted for the middle zone. These should be early to mid-ripening plants with good frost resistance. It is better to plant in the spring so that the seedlings adapt faster and are better prepared for the coming winter.

You need to plant the plant in a well-lit, windless place. The soil can be peaty or loamy, with high acidity. Peat, sawdust or grass are suitable for mulching. Further care consists of watering, weeding and fertilizing. During the spring, two feedings are carried out. All fertilizers must be mineral. The dosage is determined by the age of the plant. Pruning at a young age is not carried out. At the age of 10, blueberries become smaller, so pruning is done to increase yield.

The berries ripen at the end of July, but not evenly. You need to collect only those berries that are easily separated from the brush.

Garden blueberries - growing in Siberia

Siberia for growing garden blueberries is the most suitable region for growing this berry. The swamp and semi-high blueberry varieties do well, but others are also used.

The place for planting is chosen to be open, unshaded and windless. Blueberries can grow well in infertile soil, but if the soil acidity is low, the plant will die.
Caring for blueberries involves watering, mulching and pruning. It is also necessary to take preventive measures against diseases and pests.

Important: Blueberries love moisture, but the water should not stagnate, otherwise it can harm the plant.

In Siberian conditions, it is especially important to protect the plant from frost. Shrubs specially adapted for this region can withstand temperatures of -30° or more. If there is little snow in winter or the plant requires additional protection, you can use a frame and cover the blueberries with burlap. It is not recommended to feed young plants from mid-July. Growing blueberries in a greenhouse will protect blueberries well from winter.

Blueberries are a tasty and healthy berry that has its own characteristics in care. If you follow them, you can enjoy berries all year round.