Garden berries: varieties, cultivation, care

Growing berries is a great way to get healthy vitamins almost all year round. In the summer they will complement the diet, eclipsing all culinary masterpieces. And in winter they will delight you not only with the taste, but also remind you of summer.
Berries are the fruits of berry crops. They are widely distributed throughout the world depending on the species. Berries can be of different sizes, shapes and colors. Many gardeners grow them on their plots. These crops are unpretentious and do not require special preparation or conditions, so almost anyone can grow them.
The berries are well cultivated in summer cottages, and many varieties grow without any human intervention, growing both in forests and high in the mountains. Wild species are the predecessors of all domesticated crops. They served as an impetus for the development of berry agricultural technology and opened up the possibility of selection.
Berries contain a large amount of vitamins, acids, microelements and other substances necessary for humans. Since ancient times, people have known and successfully used the medicinal properties of berries, which have a sufficient healing effect for minor diseases.

Strawberry (garden strawberry)
Strawberries or garden strawberries are a perennial plant, low-growing with a fibrous root system. Moisture-loving and frost-resistant. Good disease resistance. The fruits vary in size depending on the variety, are juicy and aromatic.
More details about strawberries...

A low perennial plant, common in the Northern Hemisphere. Good soil moisture and acidity are important for blueberries. The berries are blue or gray in color with a pleasant delicate taste.

A shrub plant up to two meters in height. Currant varieties differ in ripening time and berry color: black, white, red and golden. Fruiting occurs in July-August. The plant loves moisture, but also loves proper care.

A fast-growing plant that bears fruit for a long time. Despite the presence of thorns that make harvesting difficult, raspberries are tasty, juicy and healthy. Raspberries are unpretentious, but do not like high humidity.
Varieties and characteristics of raspberries...

A low shrub belonging to early ripening plants. Has good frost resistance. During the flowering period, honeysuckle has a decorative appearance. The berries are large, oval-shaped, blue or dark blue.

Shrub, up to two meters high. Gooseberries are cold-resistant and unpretentious. The berries are large, round in shape, and sweet. Recommended for anemia and heart diseases — vascular system, intestinal diseases.

Other berries
Cranberry, rich in vitamin C; medicinal lingonberry; blackberries to strengthen the immune system; eshta, which combines the best of blackcurrant and gooseberry; Ezhemalina — hybrid of raspberries and blackberries; and other berries.
More details about different types of berries...
For what purposes can berries be grown?

This activity can also be the basis for a business. Growing berries, such as strawberries, can become your immediate income, since the demand for them does not fall throughout the year. However, this activity is more expensive and labor-intensive. To obtain a harvest all year round, it is necessary to have greenhouses and large areas.
On the website you will learn which varieties give more yield, how to properly grow and care for berries. If you are a beginner gardener and do not yet know all the intricacies of agricultural technology, our site will help you become a professional. All useful information can be found on our pages and you won’t have to search for it for long. You will learn about numerous varieties of berries, methods of cultivation and care, as well as their beneficial properties.
If you still doubt whether it is worth devoting a significant part of your time to this business and making your desires come true, then there is only one answer - it is worth it. After all, the field for realizing your plans and ideas is quite wide and interesting. You will be able to learn new agricultural techniques, gain the respect of colleagues and family, and possibly make good money.
Berries in cooking

After the harvest, provided that it is not sold for wide consumption, the question of preservation methods always arises.
To ensure that the harvest does not disappear and the beneficial properties are preserved for a long time, the berries must be processed. First of all, the berries can be frozen.
In winter, their use is not limited to pure form. Berries can be added to ice cream, made into yoghurts, soups, mousses or just fruit salads. You can make jam, marmalade, marshmallows, sweets and other delicacies from the berries.
They go great with baked goods. You can make muffins, berry pies, cakes or pastries. Berry-based drinks are very popular: compotes, jelly, fruit drinks, syrups.
Even low-alcohol drinks cannot do without them: liqueurs or homemade liqueurs.
Berries in cosmetology

Berries have been actively used in cosmetology for a long time. They contain a sufficient amount of substances that can nourish the skin, rejuvenate, tighten and protect from harmful environmental influences.
Honeysuckle will help get rid of skin imperfections and restore a beautiful complexion. Masks with sea buckthorn are good for nutrition, especially in combination with honey.
Raspberries will whiten your face well and help deal with freckles.
If the work of the sebaceous glands is increased, you can make a mask from strawberries. Additionally, it will nourish the skin and return it to a beautiful complexion. Viburnum is good for acne, reduces pores and helps restore youthful skin.
Contraindications for the use of natural products include allergic reactions, so they should be used with caution.
Berry fruits and their names

Strawberries are actually a receptacle, and the true fruits are the seeds on its surface. That's why the strawberry fruit is called a multi-nut.
The fruit of the cherry is a drupe. It has thin skin and a large bone inside.
Raspberries are a complex fruit formed from small drupes.
Rowan fruits are apples due to the presence of a shell around the seeds, like an apple. Tomato, eggplant and kiwi, on the contrary, are berries.
The long debate over whether watermelon should be classified as a berry has been resolved. The fruit of watermelon is called pumpkin, which in turn is a type of berry.
Grapes are the tallest berry plant. Its fruits are tasty in their pure form, but they are also used to make raisins and wine. The vine is a very mobile plant, capable of turning its branches with the help of tendrils in order to gain a stronger foothold.
Cranberry — subshrub with valuable red berries. The fruits ripen in the fall with the onset of cold weather, acquiring a characteristic sour taste. Berries collected in spring are sweeter. Cranberries contain vitamin C, acids, pectin, iodine, potassium, iron and other beneficial substances.
Lingonberry — A shrub common in the Northern Hemisphere, up to 25 cm high. The plant is unpretentious and cold-resistant. For medicinal purposes, leaves and fruits are used, which strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, especially the intestines and kidneys.
You may not know the correct name of the fruit, because this will not affect its taste. The main thing is to provide the plant with the right conditions under which you can get a high yield.
And we will help you choose a berry and grow it correctly!